Christmas Cards
If you would like to bring a Christmas card for the church family, the bulletin board across from the office has been cleared for cards to be hung on.
CPR Classes
CPR Classes will be held January 11. Details will be coming as we get them. Please contact Leigh Johnson if you have questions.
Third Thursday
Third Thursday will resume January 16 at 6pm. Please plan to come and join us for dinner and fellowship. This month will be Pot Providence. Bring a dish to share and enjoy time spent with brothers and sisters in Christ.
Ladies' Coffee
Come join us in gathering for fellowship and time to get to know one another better. The next Ladies Coffee will be January 4th at Watts Coffee at 10am.
Moms Of Littles
Moms, plan to come January 10th to spend time together while your children are cared for and enjoying some fun activities. What a great opportunity to share with other moms walking a similar path!
Prayer Time
Prayer is always important, but right now our nation is in the midst of unprecedented times. We will gather at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, December 17, to pray for our leaders, our country, revival in our nation and other important issues. Please invite your friends and neighbors to come with you and join us in prayer!
Our Mission Partners: His House
David Brundage is the director of King Solomon Summer Camp. Please pray for him and his family as his wife, Cathy fights cancer. Pray for David and his staff as they prepare for another summer of Christian children spending time learning and in fellowship with one another at King Solomon.