(620) 767-5416
106 East Main Street
Council Grove, KS  66846
Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child

Shoe Box Ministry


Franklin Graham heads up Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse to impact children in need worldwide. He states, “Every shoe box offers an opportunity to share the Good News of the Savior with a hurting child.” 

1 BOX = 1 CHILD = 1 SOUL


What can YOU do to help?


1) Remember OCC when shopping year round to gather age-appropriate items to fill shoe boxes. Suggestions and instructions can be found at www.samaritanspurse.org/occ.


2)  Pack Christmas-wrapped or plastic shoe boxes with your family and pray that each recipient will be blessed.


3)  Provide fillers of school supplies, hygiene items, clothes, or toys for the Church packing party in the Fall.


4)  Make a monetary donation to assist with the necessary $7 per box for shipping & other project costs.

5)  Pack shoe box gifts virtually through "Build a Box" online at the project's website. Through tracking technology, donors can "follow" the box to the destination country where it will be hand-delivered.


6)  Volunteer to help with the Relay Center to collect shoe box gifts from within our community.


Council Grove Christian Church

National Collection Week
NOV. , 2017

HOURS:  M to F: 4:30-6 pm, Sat: 9-11 am,
           Sun: 12-3 pm, Mon, Nov. 23: 8-9:30 am



The church OCC Project Leader is Melinda McIver. Our OCC Relay Center Co-Coordinators are Melinda and Callahan McIver.  They are assisted by other adults and youth in our congregation and community.


It’s such an incredible blessing to be involved in a project that lets kids who are suffering in other parts of the world know that someone really cares about them.